Week 8, Knowledge and Unknowledge

 "Every instance of knowledge, Bataille insists, is also an instance of nonknowledge, its opposite, what is unknown." 

I took this into consideration for my post this week in the way that its consstructed. Most of my posts are sung from an unknown location and show a series of clips flashing but this week, the singing is live. Its known what location and time of day i am singning. The blue sky makes this clear and the excited tambre of the birds gives clues that its early into the day. But there is also many unknowns this week because I haven't asked a specific question, I am not showing details of someones room. This time i am just showing a window of an unknown room and singing about something unknown. In a way it is known though as I am singing about a getaway place in which you feel so spiritually connected to it, that you almost deify it. Which the divinity of nature is a common feeling present through centuries of literature, so it is known but unknown. 

“Nonknowledge then is the seductive and magical aspect of knowledge.”


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