
week 10- Final Wrap up

  I began this term with the hope of doing ten separate interviews and making music videos from all of those people. In the end I only ended up doing that 3 times partly because of covid but also partly because of the experience that I had in doing this. I loved doing it and interacting with my friends and connecting with them but it felt somewhat disingenuous at one point because the music started to feel like I was filling in the blanks for what they weren't saying. I do not think I  overstepped any boundaries and I told them going in that what they tell me is up for interpretation but it began to feel invasive and honestly just difficult. I love to songwrite but the songs I was creating for these videos while I felt like they were passable were not songs that I would ever perform or show anyone. I would make them in like an hour and they were sweet and fun but they did not really reflect my ability as a songwriter. I think overall the effect of the project is very wholesome...

Week 9- Reflections of Self

  This week was a lot about self reflection but in the sense of literal reflections and how they are captured on film. I took this interpretation as self reflection as in reflecting on past behavior. So the song that I wrote for this week was all about examining the past versions of myself and how I feel like those reflections are dead. As much as they literally are because I do not look the same and arguably everytime your reflection is not actively being reflected it dies, it is metaphorically dead because I feel like I have changed so much in the past two years. I used videos of myself from a different time in my life when I felt like I was not being authentic and was too concerned about my own reflection. That is probably why I have so many videos of myself from that time because I needed to examine the way that I looked all the time. So the video that I have created feels a bit haunting to me because I feel so disconnected from that person it does almost feel like that person ...

Week 8, Knowledge and Unknowledge

 "Every instance of knowledge, Bataille insists, is also an instance of nonknowledge, its opposite, what is unknown."  I took this into consideration for my post this week in the way that its consstructed. Most of my posts are sung from an unknown location and show a series of clips flashing but this week, the singing is live. Its known what location and time of day i am singning. The blue sky makes this clear and the excited tambre of the birds gives clues that its early into the day. But there is also many unknowns this week because I haven't asked a specific question, I am not showing details of someones room. This time i am just showing a window of an unknown room and singing about something unknown. In a way it is known though as I am singing about a getaway place in which you feel so spiritually connected to it, that you almost deify it. Which the divinity of nature is a common feeling present through centuries of literature, so it is known but unknown.  “Nonknowled...

Week 7

   The learning objectives for this week focused on how the social photo places people in and outside of the work. They can exist in each dichotomy and I think my video for this week really exemplifies this. The video follows my usual format of asking a question, which for this week was “What is something you wish you knew five years ago?” in this way this places the subject in the work because they are answering a question about themselves but it also puts them outside the work because they are thinking about a past version of themselves. Additionally in the video I feature clips of them moving in the present time but also photos of them in the past. In this way it is placing them in and out of the work. For this week, I really focused on perspective and who the point of view of the song is and who they are singing to. 

Week 5, Patterns

  The reading for this week centered around the idea of patterns and repetition. The text states,”By understanding how to produce patterns, designers learn how to weave complexity out of elementary structures participating in the world's most ancient and prevalent artistic practice.” (185) This sentence about sums up what I have gathered the chapter to be about. It seems that patterns by nature are simplistic and elementary but the ways in which artists are able to manipulate them makes them anything but that. They can use so many complex techniques to make infinite new possibilities. This is obviously a little difficult to make fit for what I am doing in this class but I am hoping to incorporate it in an abstract way. I had covid this past week so I was unable again to interview someone and make a new song but I am putting together another original song regarding my own life. The song will be about patterns of behavior in my life, which in an abstract way relates to the reading. I...

Week 4 Post, Nostalgia

  For this week, I did not have the energy to make another song as I have been doing a lot of songwriting this week so I decided to use a song that I am writing for one of my other classes. I The song I am writing really fits perfectly with the theme of nostalgia as it is a reflection on my childhood. Its a reflection on how a child processes grief and the ways in which its difficult to conceptualize when you are so young. For the video this week, I used old home videos and I edited them together using imovie. In class we talked a lot about how media today is faking nostalgia or attempting to appeal to it by using random old video clips with a vintage feel. I think I avoided this phenomenon because the video clips are from my actual life and were shot on a video camera, not just a filter to make it look like a video camera.


One aspect of this weeks reading that I attempted to incorporate into my art for this week was texture. The reading discussed that the beauty of texture design often lies in its juxtaposition and the contrast between the varying textures.    In this screen grab from the video that. I created we see a smooth textured backpack, along with a wooden background, photographs and a soft bag. All these different textures really give this image life and make you feel like you can jump right in and feel all of these things.  A similar thing is happening in this image the image of the hair fraying contrasts the subjects clothing and the beading of the necklace adds even an other layer. I think the varying textures really bring the image to life.